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Natural Conception  |   Egg or Sperm  |   Miscarriages  |   Failed IVF  |   Age-Related  |   Unexplained  |   Other

Client Success - Egg or Sperm

Below is some of the feedback, results and experiences of couples from around the world who have used the NFP Program and for whom either egg or sperm health was a primary issue.

Hear What Others are Saying...

Natural Conception  |   Egg or Sperm  |   Miscarriages  |   Failed IVF  |   Age-Related  |   Unexplained  |   Other

Client Success - Egg or Sperm

Below is some of the feedback, results and experiences of couples from around the world who have used the NFP Program and for whom either egg or sperm health was a primary issue.

Pregnant at 44 (after Preparing for IVF) With 13-Year-Old Frozen Sperm!

“We’re more than excited! It’s a miracle and it’s a blessing and I’m so happy that Iva’s program was available to us.”
- Sonny and Sammie, 44, Austin, Texas, USA

Pregnant at 44 (after Preparing for IVF) With 13-Year-Old Frozen Sperm!

“We’re more than excited! It’s a miracle and it’s a blessing and I’m so happy that Iva’s program was available to us.”
- Sonny and Sammie, 44, Austin, Texas, USA

Had Baby Alexandra After 4 Months in the NFP Program and Trying to Conceive for More Than 3 Years, Following High FSH and Abnormal Sperm Morphology

- Sofia, 46, Quebec, Canada

13 Weeks Pregnant Following the NFP Program After Mild Subclinical Hypothyroidism, Low Sperm Count and Trying to Conceive for 13 Months

“I'm 13 Weeks Along, Got to Hear the Heartbeat, Got To See The Little Guy in There, Moving All Around...Already Dancing!”
“I'm 13 Weeks Along, Got to Hear the Heartbeat, Got To See The Little Guy in There, Moving All Around...Already Dancing!”
- Abby, 30, Oregon, USA

Healthy Baby Girl Conceived Naturally

(After 4 Months on the NFP Program)

Fertility Challenges

Prisha and Harish were both 35 when they enrolled in the NFP program. They had already been trying to conceive for 1½ years, but with little success. During our coaching, we identified a number of possible fertility barriers for the couple. Prisha had hypothyroidism, high FSH for her age, and multiple food intolerances. Harish suffered from low testosterone, high estrogen and poor sperm health.

Personal Impact of the Fertility Challenges

Due to stress with their in-laws, they held off trying to conceive for their four years of marriage.. For the first 10 months of trying, they had miscalculated ovulation, so they needed guidance on how to best identify the fertile period. Prisha was feeling stressed about waiting so long to try to get pregnant. Harish was a doctor and travelled frequently for work, which created high amounts of stress. The couple thought that if they kept trying to solve the problem on their own, it would take them longer to conceive, so they decided to work with us to address their fertility issues.

Natural Fertility Treatment Overview

When we dug deeper into their case, we discovered additional issues that contributed to the couple’s fertility challenges. Apart from dealing with the reproductive issues, we’ve also addressed the couple’s metabolic health issues. Prisha and Harish were at a healthy weight (Prisha was actually underweight), yet they both had issues with their metabolic health such as high cholesterol, high homocysteine and high blood sugar.

The couple also had heavy metal exposure, which was likely caused by environmental exposure from pollution in their city. We recommended certain supplements and changes to their traditional Indian diet. , With this, their health greatly improved and their energy levels increased. We also helped them identify their fertile window and gave them advice on sperm friendly lubricants. 

The Transformation Through the NFP Coaching Program

Prisha and Harish conceived after 4 months on the NFP program. These were the results of following the NFP program:
  • Giving birth to a healthy baby
  • Improved stress levels Increased sex drive
  • Improvement in energy levels
  • ​40% reduction in anxiety and worry
Prisha and Harish are big advocates of the NFP program and are spreading the word to their colleagues and specialists in India.
- Prisha, 35, Tamil Nadu, India

Baby Boy After Miscarriage, Low AMH, High FSH, Immunity Issues and Trying to Conceive for More Than a Year

- Monica, 37, Hong Kong

Healthy Baby Girl after 3 Failed IVF Cycles, Countless Inconclusive Tests and PCOS

Hey!! We have a baby!... I started Pitocin on Friday at 9:45 PM and delivered [baby] on Saturday at 4:29 PM. She weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and was 19.25"... It was definitely a rough start, but we are doing great now! She is almost 2 months old!
- DB, 36, Colorado, USA

Pregnant During The NFP Program After Failed IVF, Miscarriage and Poor Sperm Health

- Scarlett, 41, New York, USA

Baby Dakota After Endometriosis, Low Sperm Motility and Trying to Conceive for a Year

“Her program changed our life!”

“I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you do. Your explanation of things is so clear and so right on track. I believe in every part of your program and know that it helped me get pregnant... The Natural Fertility Program is powerful, precise and perfect!”
“I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you do. Your explanation of things is so clear and so right on track. I believe in every part of your program and know that it helped me get pregnant... The Natural Fertility Program is powerful, precise and perfect!”
- Krisinda, 38, California, USA

Healthy Baby Girl After Secondary Infertility, Failed IVF and IUI, Poor Egg Quality, and After More Than 
3 Years TTC 

(Got Pregnant After 3 Months on the NFP Program)

We're doing great! We welcomed [baby girl]! We are doing great and getting ready to go back to work on Monday. Everything has been going very well. She's eating and sleeping well and we are adjusting to being a family of 4...
– EJ, 37, Nebraska, USA

Conceived Naturally at 43 After High FSH, Sperm Issues Following 9 Months on the NFP Program

Fertility Challenges

Katerina and Jovan were 43 years old and had been trying to conceive for 2 ½ years when they reached out to us. They already had a 5-year-old daughter and had been trying to conceive another child for many years.

Katerina had a history of multiple miscarriages and similar to most women in their 40s, she had high FSH and age-related infertility. The couple has tried IVF, but Katrina was unable to hold a pregnancy due to her very thin endometrial lining. 

Katrina’s husband, Jovan had various sperm health issues, including low sperm volume, motility, liquefaction and agglutination. The couple also suffered from chronic inflammation.

Personal Impact of the Fertility Challenges

Katerina felt quite frustrated with not knowing the reason for her miscarriages and with her inability to do the IVF transfers due to her extra thin endometrial lining. In the past, she had tried all sorts of pharmaceutical and natural supplements to improve her lining, but with no success. 
Because of her fertility challenges, Katerina decided to take a year off from running her company to focus on improving her health, lifestyle and fertility.

Natural Fertility Treatment Overview

Katerina and Jovan were very keen to improve their health and fertility so they could optimize their chances of conceiving and holding a pregnancy. 

Our treatment goal for them included addressing their hormonal imbalances (high FSH, low estrogen, low progesterone, low testosterone and low DHEA for Katerina; low FSH/LH for Jovan) and other nutritional imbalances in their bodies.

The Transformation Through the NFP Coaching Program

Katerina & Jovan were quite diligent in following their coach’s recommendations. By the end of the NFP program, there were significant improvements in their health and blood test results, and Katrina had an easier menstrual cycle. 
Katerina’s improvements:
  • Increase in the endometrial lining on ultrasound to 9.6mm
  • Increase in menstrual blood flow
  • Increased CD2-3 estradiol and testosterone
Jovan’s improvements:
  • Reduced inflammation, cholesterol, homocysteine and uric acid
  • Improved blood count and vitamin D
  • Healthy sperm
The couple continued on with ongoing coaching to continue to support their conception attempts and conceived naturally (and didn’t miscarry) after 9 months on the NFP program.
- Katerina, 43, Belgrade, Serbia

Pregnant After Unexplained Infertility, Blocked Tube, and Thyroid Issues

"I am writing to you to let you know that our awaited and beloved baby girl was born a month ago. Her birth was fast and without complications... She is lovely and fills us with happiness... I am sending you my very best regards and thank you so much for all the help and support you have given me during the pregnancy."
“I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you do. Your explanation of things is so clear and so right on track. I believe in every part of your program and know that it helped me get pregnant... The Natural Fertility Program is powerful, precise and perfect!”
– KA, 45, France

Conceived Baby Girl After Poor Egg Health, Age-Related Sperm Issues and Trying to Conceive for 5 ½ Years (and 5 X IVF Attempts)

Fertility Challenges

Vanessa and Richard were in their late 40s and 60s, respectively, and had been trying to conceive for 3 years when they joined the NFP program. 

In the past few years, Vanessa has gone through numerous IVF and IUI cycles, but with no success. Vanessa was diagnosed with poor egg quality, elevated natural killer cells, thyroid antibodies, endometriosis and thin endometrial lining. Because of these factors, she has had repeated implantation failure and failed embryo transfers. 

Richard was already in his 60s and had age-related sperm health issues. He had poor sperm motility and morphology, low volume and high DNA fragmentation. Richard already had adult children and the couple wanted to have a child of their own.

Personal Impact of the Fertility Challenges

Vanessa had a very challenging time throughout her fertility journey, with many IVF and IUI treatments, while juggling job hunting and caring for her ill mother. Richard had other health issues, which made improving his sperm health difficult because he was limited in what he could take due to counter interactions with his medication. 

Natural Fertility Treatment Overview

By the time the couple joined the program, they had done multiple rounds of IVF and 7 x embryo transfers, which were all unsuccessful (repeated implantation failure). 

They had only 5 frozen embryos left, and they had one genetically tested and found to be normal.

They had recently transferred one genetically normal embryo, which did not implant. Vanessa felt too afraid to do a transfer of the other embryos (and especially the known normal embryo) until she was in a better state of mind and health. 
Our focus with Vanessa and Richard was to correct their existing hormonal and nutrient imbalances and address the polymorphisms that were hindering their nutrient absorption. 

Vanessa worked hard on improving her health and fertility during the program, and she continued working with her coach after the program ended. With her coach’s recommendation, Vanessa worked with a counselor to support her emotional well-being.

The Transformation Through the NFP Coaching Program

While following the program, Vanessa felt more energetic and felt less fatigue throughout her day. Her ultrasound revealed improvements in her endometrial thickness, which was beneficial for implantation. Richard had improved overall lab results, better liver function and improvements in his digestive function. 

During the time we worked with them, Vanessa landed a job she loved and decided to do the transfer of the genetically normal embryo. To their absolute delight, after several prior implantation failures, the embryo implanted, and Vanessa went on to have a healthy pregnancy. 
It took 2 ½ years of working together before Vanessa and Richard finally conceived via IVF. 

Vanessa gave birth to a lovely baby girl at age 45.
- Vanessa, 45, New York, USA

Improved Egg and Sperm Quality and Baby Born After Trying to Conceive for 18 Months

(12 Months on the NFP Program)

“We had a wonderful experience. The course reinforced healthy lifestyle habits and Kathryn was wonderful in analyzing our case and provided exactly the type of support which (we feel) is utterly lacking in a fertility clinic setting - a focused treatment plan for physical and mental wellness, nutrition and ultimately, to improve quality of egg and sperm.”
“We had a wonderful experience. The course reinforced healthy lifestyle habits and Kathryn was wonderful in analyzing our case and provided exactly the type of support which (we feel) is utterly lacking in a fertility clinic setting - a focused treatment plan for physical and mental wellness, nutrition and ultimately, to improve quality of egg and sperm.”
- Lizzie, 40, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea

Twin Boy and Girl After Miscarriage, Poor Sperm Health and Trying to Conceive for More Than 3 Years

- Alma, 30, Denmark

Conceived After Low AMH, High FSH and Trying to Conceive for 1 Year

- Lucija, 32, Zagreb, Croatia

Finally Had A Baby Daughter (After Using NFP With IVF and Surrogacy) Following Previous Multiple Failed Attempts Due to Poor Egg Quality. Trying to Conceive for More Than 3 Years

- Maddie, 35, Michigan, USA

Baby Boy After Poor Sperm Motility, Poor Sperm Morphology, Borderline Sperm Concentration and Miscarriage

- Marcus, 37, USA

Quadrupled Sperm Count and Wife Became Pregnant After Following the NFP Program for 4 Months. Overcame Failed IVF and Low Sperm Count

- Wayne S., San Francisco, USA
- Wayne S., San Francisco, USA

Conceived Naturally After Poor Egg Quality, and Sub-optimal Sperm. Got Pregnant After 3 Months of Ongoing Coaching in the NFP Program

- Belinda, 44, Wales, United Kingdom

Healthy Baby Girl Born After Trying to Conceive for 10 Months and a Previous Chromosomal Abnormality

- Linda, 35, California, USA

Baby Girl Born Naturally After 4% Sperm Morphology and Trying to Conceive for 14 Months

“I’m 30 years old and live with my husband in the Kruger National Park (wildlife Park), South Africa. I work as an Animal Health Technician on wildlife. We always wanted children, but kept postponing it due to my studies and our work situation. We never thought that we might battle to fall pregnant. We’ve been trying for 14 months after my miscarriage, which is actually not to bad if you look at some other couples.

But I have PCOS. My husband had only a 4% sperm morphology. The worst part was the emotional side of it all. I battled to make peace with the fact that it doesn’t just happen for us as quick as for all my friends, who fell pregnant the one after the other during the time of my miscarriage and when my doctor suggested we rather look at IVF. IVF is very difficult to do from this side of the country as we are about 6 hours drive from the nearest big city where all the fertility clinics are. Every month it was getting harder and harder after every negative pregnancy test. I was also stressed as we wanted a baby soon as my husband is 10 years older than me and he would still want to be able to do things with his children when they are young adults.

I found out about Iva on the internet after doing quite a bit of research online. To be honest, I wasn’t skeptical, I had hope and was desperate to try anything. I have learned a lot from her and her program is very useful for everyday living and not only for getting pregnant. The Fertility Analysis was also very useful. It was a bit overwhelming as there are quite a lot of changes to make. But we have made some of the changes. I also liked the fact that it was personally for us.

I definitely recommend Iva’s program and services, not only for trying to fall pregnant but also for everyday living. We have made some changes, we have combined this with acupuncture and lots of prayers and it worked! We have a lovely 6 month old baby. I have made some permanent changes to our lifestyle. I am busy studying everything again for our next pregnancy journey. Have faith and be patient. Do what you can, make the changes and as difficult as it may seem (and everyone always says it), try not to focus too much on the fact that you want to fall pregnant.

“I have a lovely 6 month old little girl. Thanks for your help in our pregnancy and conception journey!”

I made an appointment with a fertility specialist. I made peace with the fact that it won’t be an easy journey. I stopped thinking about it. 

I found out I was pregnant a week before my appointment! I now believe that my baby came at the perfect time!
- Chelsea, 30, Kruger, South Africa

Improvement of 0% Sperm Morphology and Pregnant After 5 Years Trying to Conceive. Baby Girl Conceived Following 13 Months on the NFP Program

- Olivia and Anders, 36, Switzerland

Increased Number of Eggs and Perfect Embryos and Pregnant Via IVF After Following The NFP Program Recommendations

- Peta, 38, Pretoria, South Africa
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IMPORTANT: Medical and Legal Disclaimers
We don't believe in quick fixes, one-size-fits-all prescribing or miracle programs. We believe in integrative and functional medicine and a systematic, ‘whole-person’ approach to addressing the root causes of infertility. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get any kind of results with our information, approach or service. We don't know your circumstances or your willingness to apply the information we share. We're here to support you by giving you our most powerful, evidence-based strategies to help you, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future results. Any success stories or case studies referenced here, or on any of our platforms, are simply examples of past results, and should not be considered as a promise of potential results. Some client names and images on this page have been changed to protect privacy. All details of cases and results are based on real reportings of our clients, and all email screenshots are unchanged apart from grey redactions to protect privacy and yellow highlighting. The information shared on this website, email, document or video is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended to help support the health related choices that you make. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.