“I’m 30 years old and live with my husband in the Kruger National Park (wildlife Park), South Africa. I work as an Animal Health Technician on wildlife. We always wanted children, but kept postponing it due to my studies and our work situation. We never thought that we might battle to fall pregnant. We’ve been trying for 14 months after my miscarriage, which is actually not to bad if you look at some other couples.
But I have PCOS. My husband had only a 4% sperm morphology. The worst part was the emotional side of it all. I battled to make peace with the fact that it doesn’t just happen for us as quick as for all my friends, who fell pregnant the one after the other during the time of my miscarriage and when my doctor suggested we rather look at IVF. IVF is very difficult to do from this side of the country as we are about 6 hours drive from the nearest big city where all the fertility clinics are. Every month it was getting harder and harder after every negative pregnancy test. I was also stressed as we wanted a baby soon as my husband is 10 years older than me and he would still want to be able to do things with his children when they are young adults.
I found out about Iva on the internet after doing quite a bit of research online. To be honest, I wasn’t skeptical, I had hope and was desperate to try anything. I have learned a lot from her and her program is very useful for everyday living and not only for getting pregnant. The Fertility Analysis was also very useful. It was a bit overwhelming as there are quite a lot of changes to make. But we have made some of the changes. I also liked the fact that it was personally for us.
I definitely recommend Iva’s program and services, not only for trying to fall pregnant but also for everyday living. We have made some changes, we have combined this with acupuncture and lots of prayers and it worked! We have a lovely 6 month old baby. I have made some permanent changes to our lifestyle. I am busy studying everything again for our next pregnancy journey. Have faith and be patient. Do what you can, make the changes and as difficult as it may seem (and everyone always says it), try not to focus too much on the fact that you want to fall pregnant.